Course Instructor
Wolfgang Runge
- Independent scientist and consultant; emphasis on innovation and research; competitive intelligence; “Chemical Business Engineering”: RISCNet (
Basic Research (8 years):
- Chemist by education; doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.), Free University of Berlin (Germany) - 1971
- Habilitation (Dr. rer. nat. habil.): Technical University of Munich (Germany) - 1975
Applied Research (11 years):
- “Society for Information and Documentation” (GID); later integrated into “Fraunhofer GMD National Research Center for Information Technology”: Chemical Information and Computer Science; Information Science and Systems, Information Economy
Industrial Research (18 years):
- The Dow Chemical Company: R&D Operations Manager (incl. InfoCenter, R&D Computerization, Capital/Expense Planning & Control, Building & Lab Infrastructure); Information Project Leader and “Specialist” (“Intellectual Asset Management”, New Business Development; “Competitive Intelligence”, “Technology Intelligence” and Patent Systems; Knowledge Discovery in Text Databases (KDT))